Following the events of Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever.

Chuck says:

Superhero fatigue is definitely a factor here, as the film can’t shake the expected narrative beats of these sorts of movies with the third act a rote exercise of mass mayhem and close calls. However, Tom Holland’s charm goes a long way towards getting us to hang in there while the post-credits sequences provide big surprises that promise a great deal of dramatic tension in future installments.

Pam says:

(Yawn) Another super hero sequel.  This one starts off strong, filled with quick-paced humor and style, but unfortunately, the brakes are applied midway through and the film becomes just another super hero sequel.  While teens will most likely enjoy our hero’s school-aged angst and crush on the independent and intelligent MJ, “Spider-Man: Far from Home” can’t break out of the box and spin a more interesting story that might appeal to a greater audience.

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