An adaptation of the novel “Frankenstein,” as told through the life of Mary Shelley. As she creates her masterpiece, she gives birth to a monster.

Chucks says:

I understand what Nora Unkel is trying to do with A Nightmare Wakes, I just wish she had done it better. Concerning the writing of the novel Frankenstein, the film focuses on the turmoil Mary Shelley (Alix Regan) was dealing with when penning the classic horror tale. Emotionally abandoned by her lover Percy Bryce Shelley (Giullian Yao Gioiello) and ostracized from her family, the pregnant woman is suffering from terrifying dreams concerning the upcoming birth of her child. With all this swirling about in her head, is it any wonder she would create a childlike character that’s abandoned and the object of ridicule?  Other than Regan, miscasting abounds with actors who are far too young or contemporary to be believed in the 19th century, while the execution of the story is muddled, making it difficult to become engaged in this obvious creation story, let alone care.

1 1/2 Stars

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